Litter Less at Lunch Walton teachers, administration and parents would like to help our school produce less garbage every week, recycle more and reduce our community’s footprint on the environment our children grow up in.
Right now, students are encouraged to sort paper and cardboard into recycling bins and rinse and recycle food and drink containers whenever possible. A big thank you to Mrs. Nicole St. Pierre and the grade four and five recycling volunteer students for their work and leadership in our recycling program! The empties are taken to the depot once a week and we have earned over $100 in refunds since the beginning of the school year. All students can contribute and learn how to reduce the amount of garbage they create day by day. Mrs. St. Pierre is working on expanding the recycling project to include collecting green waste (food leftovers, apple cores, fruit peel, etc.) for composting. This said, ideally a student’s lunch and recess food and drink would not leave any garbage behind at all. So how can families come closer to the goal of an entirely litter-less lunch? Happily, often eating healthier and creating less waste go hand in hand. Here are some tips to consider: Reduce
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