Walton Elementary School PAC's mission is to advocate for excellence in education, the safety and well being of our students, and for the effective and meaningful involvement of parents as partners. Every parent/guardian who has a child currently enrolled at Walton Elementary as a student is automatically a member of Walton PAC - we are all the PAC!
Please visit About Us for more about what the PAC does, mission and goals and who the PAC elected officers are. |
A Message from your Walton PAC ChairWelcome from the Walton Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Dear Walton Community, On behalf of the Walton Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), we would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! For our returning families, we are happy to see you again! For all of our new families, welcome! You have joined a great community of children, families, educators and administrators at Walton Elementary. The Walton PAC is the voice of the parents and guardians of children attending Walton. Having a Walton student in the family automatically means you are a PAC member. You are PAC. Our mission is to support and to encourage all parents and guardians at Walton by working together with the school administrators and staff to ensure your child receives the best education and learning environment possible. Parents’ voices are a tremendous value to our child(ren) school. One way you can help the school grow and realize its vision is by actively supporting and participating in your PAC. This year, besides Hot Lunch, After School Activities and Movie Nights, PAC has planned more fun events for students and families. Stay tuned for ways to get involved in our weekly PAC Monday Mouthful email. Parents and guardians are always welcome to attend PAC meeting. School administrators and sometimes a teacher representative also attend and provides reports at the meeting. Please join us on Monday September 18th at 7pm at the school library for our first PAC meeting of the school year! Many thanks in advanced for your support. We look forward to meeting you in person at the school, or at one of our Walton PAC events! Sincerely, Crystal Hoi and Annie Lam Walton PAC Presidents 2023-2024 -- ~Walton PAC - Powered by Volunteers~ |
Latest News and AnnouncementsAfter a successful return of the winter after school programs, Walton PAC will be offering more selections of exciting after school programs at Walton Elementary for all grades from K-5! Programs being offered are listed below. Spaces are limited. Register on Walton.FundraiserOrders.com.
Registration opens on Tuesday, Sept 19 at 10:00 AM. l Get Involved!The PAC Needs Volunteers Like You
If you are interested in helping the PAC as a volunteer, please let us know. For more information about volunteering please visit our Volunteer page. Current FundraisingPlease see the Fundraising page for more details about our fundraising activities.
Feedback or Suggestions?
Please contact us at [email protected] |
Powered by Walton Elementary PAC Volunteers!