Walton Parent Advisory Council Executive and Officers
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
6:45 pm Location TBA (or via Zoom)
Election of Executives and Officers for 2020-2021
All parents and guardians of Walton students are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting. At this meeting all PAC positions are up for re-election for the 2020-2021 school year. The PAC is a democratic body, and we encourage you to come out and make your vote count.
Please consider volunteering, there are many opportunities to get involved. Every PAC member can nominate himself/herself or any other PAC member, prior to the Annual General Meeting, by:
1. Completing the online nomination form or
2. Sending an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] or
3. Dropping a note in writing in the PAC mailbox at Walton (not possible at this time due to school closure).
Nominations may also be taken from the floor at the AGM. Nominees must formally accept their nomination before they can run for election. Nominees may be elected while absent, if a consent in writing is provided ahead of time.
Below is a brief description of the positions that are up for re-election. A more comprehensive description of duties and responsibilities can be found in our bylaws here.
The positions can be held by one person or shared with another person.
If you would like to learn more about a position before committing to a nomination, please contact Michael Fox, PAC President, at [email protected].
Please consider volunteering, there are many opportunities to get involved. Every PAC member can nominate himself/herself or any other PAC member, prior to the Annual General Meeting, by:
1. Completing the online nomination form or
2. Sending an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] or
3. Dropping a note in writing in the PAC mailbox at Walton (not possible at this time due to school closure).
Nominations may also be taken from the floor at the AGM. Nominees must formally accept their nomination before they can run for election. Nominees may be elected while absent, if a consent in writing is provided ahead of time.
Below is a brief description of the positions that are up for re-election. A more comprehensive description of duties and responsibilities can be found in our bylaws here.
The positions can be held by one person or shared with another person.
If you would like to learn more about a position before committing to a nomination, please contact Michael Fox, PAC President, at [email protected].
Positions List (including a brief description)
Responsible for convening and presiding at all meetings and should be familiar with the PAC Constitution and Bylaws. She/he is the official spokesperson and representative for the PAC, always acting on behalf of the majority of the members and not personally.
Has an understanding of bookkeeping procedures and is responsible for maintain accurate and current accounting records on a monthly basis. She/he shall make bank deposits, pay expenses, ensure all accounts are in balance; ensure all expenses are approved by the PAC; prepare a written financial report for presentation at each PAC meeting and draft an annual budget together with the Executive Officers.
Responsible for recording and distributing the minutes of all meetings. She/he issues and receives correspondence on behalf of the PAC including the managing of the PAC general email account; maintain a current copy of the PAC Constitution and Bylaws; and, updating PAC records. Approximate time commitment: 3-4 hrs/month.
District Parent Advisory Council Representative(s) (“DPAC”)
Attends DPAC meetings and reports to the PAC regarding matters discussed at these meetings. She/he shall seek input from the PAC for presentation at DPAC meetings and shall vote the PAC’s wishes at such meetings. Approximate time commitment: 1-2 hrs / month.
Fundraising Coordinator(s)
Oversees all fundraising activities for the PAC and act as a liaison between the fundraising committee and the PAC Executive. Maintain records of all fundraising projects and suggest or solicits new ideas for future events. The fundraising coordinator is not required to organize all events but oversees the activities of the following fundraising officers (all positions open):
- Entertainment Book Sale Coordinator *
- Movie Night Coordinator *
- Sports Day Concession Coordinator
- SWAP Meet Coordinator
- Treat Day Coordinator
- Winter Bake Sale Coordinator *
- Special Event Coordinator
Hot Lunch Coordinator(S)
Lead the Hot Lunch Committee. Responsible for planning and overseeing hot lunch events for the PAC. This includes coordinating hot lunch dates with the Principal and vendors, determining menu for each lunch and arranging for hot lunch food, familiarity with healthy eating guidelines and food safety regulations, organizing volunteers. This is a shared position with an existing committee of volunteers. Approximate time commitment is 1-6 hrs / week and much of the preparatory work can be done on a home computer.
Seeking also:
Seeking also:
- Hot Lunch Committee Members
One of the main responsibilities of the Health and Safety Coordinator is to ensure the school is adequately stocked for emergencies. This is done in communication with the emergency preparedness officer of Walton. She/he is responsible for replacing or acquiring supplies as they become expired or obsolete. Approximate time commitment: 1-3 hrs / month.
Supervise and organize the grade 5 traffic volunteers and the parent volunteers (Traffic Safety Supervisors) who help with crosswalk duty. Ensure all crosswalk equipment are on hand; train and monitor traffic volunteers; monitor general traffic safety and alert the Principal and the PAC of any safety concerns and problem areas. Approximate time commitment: 1-3 hrs/week.
Monitor traffic in the school drive through parking lot area and neighbouring streets, identify problem areas and suggest measures to improve safety. Patrol area on weekday mornings or afternoons. This does not require a large time commitment and you can choose as many or few shifts as you like) and no prior experience is required.
The Communications Coordinator oversees all schoolwide communications to ensure the content is consistent with the values and mission of the PAC. In addition, he/she monitors the level of email communications to ensure the school community is not overburdened with too many correspondence. Oversees the functions of Newsletter Editor, Monday Mouthful Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator and Website Manager. Approximate time commitment: 1 hr / week.
Compiles the PAC newsletter, coordinates the approval of the newsletter by the PAC, prepares the newsletter for distribution in English and other languages as needed. Approximate time commitment: 4-5 hours every 3 months.
Receives, edits and compiles information submitted by the PAC for the weekly Monday Mouthful email and sends to the Principal for distribution. Approximate time commitment: 1 hr / week.
Receives, edits and posts PAC activities and news on the PAC’s Social Media platforms (Facebook, Twitter). Approximate time commitment: 1 hr / week.
Responsible for updating the PAC website with PAC activities, news and announcements. Content supplied by PAC Executive and Office Holders. Approximate time commitment: 1-4 hrs / week.
At the beginning of the school year, endeavour to seek out a parent liaison for every division in the School and provide the liaison with support as needed throughout the school year. Approximate time commitment: 1 hr /month, slightly more at the beginning of school year.
At the beginning of the school year compiles a “Private Parent Contact List” to be shared with the parents of the class (with permission). Is a point of contact between the Walton PAC and the parents of the children in the assigned classroom. Is a point of contact between the classroom teacher and the parents. Approximate time commitment: variable but no more than 1 hr / week.
After School Program Coordinators
Organize and offer to Walton students an array of after school programs in the most cost effective manner. Consult with the Principal on the availability of rooms for the programs. Distribute program policies and guidelines to the program instructors and parents enrolling children in the programs. Approximate time commitment: variable.
Oversees the maintenance of the school community garden. Liaise with teachers and the PAC on the progress of the program throughout the school year. Approximate time commitment: 1 hr/month.
Facilitate the welcoming of families new to Walton Elementary School that have backgrounds in other cultures and encourage their involvement in the PAC and the school community. Seek out parents to serve as foreign language liaisons in the major foreign languages spoken by families of Walton. Approximate time commitment: 1-2 hrs / month.
Responsible for the refreshments at all PAC meetings and ensuring the PAC kitchen is adequately supplied with material for these meetings (plates, napkins, coffee, etc). Approximate time commitment: 1-2 hrs / month.
In charge of gifts and greeting cards given on behalf of PAC to teachers for life events (i.e. retirements, bereavement, birth, marriage, etc.). Approximate time commitment: 1 hr / month.
Arrange for guest speakers and presentations on topic matters of interest to the parent community that is consistent with the mission of the PAC. Approximate time commitment: variable.